We bring in sustainable development dynamics to serve your projects

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From industrial development to sustainable projects

Besides the technical assistance to industrial customers, GéO-CSP is active in promoting projects integrating agricultural valuation, alternative energy production and environmental reclaiming of extraction sites. This corresponds to the implementation of a strategy satisfying to the global sustainable development objectives.

The « contaminated sites » problematic

GéO CSPalso directs its activity to sites under judicial liquidation to facilitate industrial waste land rehabilitation. The approach is to offer a technical, environmental and juridical follow up, throughout the stages of reconversion.

The diagnosis and studies proposed by GéO-CSP lean on the current french national methodology (circular of February 8th, 2007) as well as on the standards applicable to « contaminated sites » services (norm NF X 31-620 among others).

GéO-CSP also ensures the reglementary reporting within the framework of the last legislation on the Installations Classified for the Environmental Protection (ICPE).

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GéO-CSP Sarl - 18 rue Serge Mauroit - BP 47 - 38092 VILLEFONTAINE Cedex - France
SIRET: 494 059 652 00029 - Last update: 17/09/2010
Mentions légales - Copyright 2010 GéO-CSP